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Meditation Romania
Learn How to Find the Truth Within
Whether you want to find inner peace, eliminate stress or anxiety, focus better, have better relationships, improve your health, discover your True Self or gain wisdom, the answer lies within you.
Why Meditation?
Truth, Happiness, Success & Health are all within your mind
All the Answers to your questions are also within you
We will guide you on how to find them
All your worries, anxieties, stress, pain and burdens are also inside your mind
We will guide you on how to discard them
Meditation Romania
A place of cleansing not just calming meditation
When we think of "meditation" we often think of breathing or calming the mind.
"Meditation Romania" is a subtraction meditation to cleanse and remove forever the things inside you that causes your worries, pain, burdens, stress and anxiety in your mind. "Meditation Romania" is, in fact, a mind-clearing meditation. By cleansing and removing all the burdens from your mind, you can find your true self, your true nature.
"Meditation Romania" means more than temporary relaxation: it is about changing perspective and releasing the burdens of the mind, creating true healing and lasting change. You feel better every day as you see the real tangible results of this meditation, in practice not in theory.
What do you wish for most in your life?
"Meditation Romania" will help you achieve it.
Stress & Anxiety
Get daily-based customized consultation and know why you are stressed and anxious and where does your stress and anxiety come from.
Meditate to eliminate the source of your stress and anxiety with individually guided meditation sessions.
Live with a clear & peaceful mind by achieving inner peace.
Find out where all your obsessive thoughts are coming from and follow professionally guided methods to discard the cluttered thoughts completely.
Achieve the state of mind where the racing thoughts stop and all the cluttered thoughts disappear.
Clear your mind and live a balanced life.
Achieving your goal
Get professional guidance about your goal in life and see what drains your achievement.
Meditate for abandoning the blockages for your achieving and find the ultimate and potential power within you.
Get encouraged to take any action with everyday meditation and achieve your goal.
Focus & Concentration
Get customized consultation each session and know the minds that makes your mind wander.
Meditate and discard all the mind clutter that covers your True Self.
Free yourself from all the cluttered mind, by eliminating all illusory thoughts, discover and live as your True Happy Self.
Successful Relationships
Reach various sources that this meditation offers, including each session's lecture, and know the Truth.
Meditate and discard all that blocks the Truth within you and check they all disappeared.
Finally, get enlightened by abandoning all the false minds, know all the ways of the world, and build successful relationships.
Reach various sources that this meditation offers, including each session's lecture, and know the Truth.
Meditate and eliminate all the false minds that are covering and blocking the Truth within you.
Finally, get enlightened, discover your True Self, and know all the ways of the world.
Find Truth Within
Take the next step towards enlightenment and a deeper level of self awareness.
The Ultimate Freedom
To achieve the ultimate freedom and liberation, you need to become the True Mind. Your mind will be liberated from everything when the false mind becomes Truth. There is no enlightenment in the false mind. Enlightenment is what one comes to realize as much as one has discarded the false mind, has gone to Truth, and has become the True Mind. If you want to reach enlightenment, you need to meditate. When you cast off your false mind, you become Truth. "Meditation Romania" has the method to achieve that.
A simple meditation program for both beginners and experts.
Suppressing, analyzing, pretending or even adding more to your mind will not eliminate stress and pain, nor will you achieve real enlightenment. However, when past experiences and the way of thinking is eliminated, you achieve True Freedom and Liberation.
As your consciousness expands, you will find yourself able to lead a life to its highest potential, full of energy, creativity and wisdom. You will discover all the answers to all your questions about life and existence, you and your journey. True wisdom enters your mind through self-reflection and discarding.
Our guided meditation practice allows people to cleanse and empty their minds of all pain and stress so that they can live each day with freshness and clarity. Through meditation, the more you cleanse, the freer you will become. You can find true inner peace, and you can learn how to live without burdens and conflicts. You can have a new beginning and you can live with a clean, new and fresh mind.
Are you curious
how meditation can help you?
to overcome your obstacles?
to solve your problems?
to find your inner peace?
to get rid of your obsessive thoughts?
to get rid of stress and anxiety?
to become happy and fulfilled?
to discover your True Self
to be healthy
to have a better relationships with others?
to get rid of mind clutter and live in the present moment?
to become a Complete Person and live forever?
to find the answer to all your questions?
Find out in this 1: 1 consultation
Here you can also ask any other questions
Book online Free 1 to 1 introduction
We look forward to meeting you
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Both the introduction and the guided meditation sessions are offered online via Zoom video conferencing service. After booking, you will receive a confirmation email and the Zoom link. See you soon!
30 min