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Yoga at Home

Meditation Effect

Happy Couple

Are we Happy?

Even the air rattles between those who don't talk much and those who don't look at each other.

''I didn't marry for this...''I want to return to the thrilling moment, I want to go back to the exciting moments, I want to do well. But I think every couple has at least one awful feeling of not knowing where to start and how to change the situation for the better.

Meditation - Happy Couple

The moment 
when we lose interest in each other and the questions disappear,

it is time to look back on our life as a couple.

Meditation; Happy Couple

✓ Comparison with the husband (wife) next door
✓ The mind that doesn't appreciate each other
✓ The mind that blames others or spouse for the difficult situations
✓ The selfish mind that thinks that even if I don't express myself, the     other person should understand me

Empty these minds

  • When the inability to speak disappears, we can comfortably say what we want.

  • We are honest about our feelings towards our spouse.

  • We express gratitude naturally.

  • Even in difficult situations, we can get through it well by asking and answering each other's opinion.

  • We can accept and respect each others feelings.

I recommend this meditation to everyone 
  • When we want to acknowledge and respect each other's differences, but things don't go our way

  • When you want your negative thoughts to go away when you think about your spouse

  • When dissatisfaction builds up and we are no longer happy with each other

Meditatie Romania

If you are brave, try the mind subtraction meditation first
It's even better if you two are together

Class Open Hours Everyday: 9am - 11pm

Meditation Classes Online Via Zoom

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